The Lake Cyrus Trailer is GONE!

On January 16th, 2009 Judge Eugene Verin held court in the trailer. He issued an order that allowed the City of Hoover to move the trailer. City Officials worked hard the rest of the day to get the trailer moved. We owe many thanks to the City officials that supported our efforts to remove the nuisance and eye sore from the front of our community. Thanks Hoover!

Now it is time to move to our next project as residents. That is to gain control of our Homeowners Association. Please see the message regarding contributing to the legal fund.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lake Cyrus Improvement Fund

Have YOU contributed your $100?

As we all face an uncertain economic time it is difficult to make the decision to help fund causes and different community initiatives. However there are causes and intiatives that are worth funding even in uncertain times.

The LC Improvement Committee thinks that our efforts to take control of the LC Homeowner's Association is one of those initiatives that we can NOT afford to NOT fund. Our homes are one of the largest investments we have. Anything we can do to protect the value of our homes is worth the effort. Our community is not where it needs to be right now.

We encourage you to drive around and notice the areas that are not being maintained. Look at the fountains, look at the street lights and road signs, look at the trailer, look at the lot where the trailer used to be, look at the broken sidewalks, look at the playground (that's right it's not there), look at the for sale signs that have SOLD on them, look at the streets that need paving, look at your escalating homeowner dues, look at the homes at the front of the neighborhood that do not have water access - take a few minutes and LOOK!

The Lake Cyrus Improvement Committee has laid out a plan to pursue control of the Lake Cyrus Home Owners Association. It is clear that no one will ever mange the Lake Cyrus community better than Lake Cyrus residents. Residents want control of their own destiny. To take control of the association legal representation is required. A "Lake Cyrus Improvement Fund" has been established to collect funds for this purpose. The committe is requesting $100 from each homeowner as an initial contribution. This contribution is a small amount relative to the increase in property values everyone will realize once control of the homeowners association is achieved. If everyone will come together with their resources and support we will have a very strong group.

Donations should be made payable to "Lake Cyrus Improvement Fund". All donations should be made via check and mailed to:

Lake Cyrus Improvement Fund

c/o David Whitson

5745 Lake Cyrus Boulevard
Hoover, AL 35244

Thanks for your support

Lake Cyrus Improvement Committee


Unknown said...

I don't have any info about the S&T Club but I wasn't sure where I could ask a question: So, does the Committee Meeting scheduled for 3/5/08 indicate any progress as far as meeting with Charles or is the committee just making time to get "on the same page", so to speak?

Tim Rogers said...

The first meeting is to get in the same page. We do not have a meeting date with Charles yet.

P said...

Yes, I would like to get information too. We were forced to pay one year fee when we bought the house with builder, and did not know what is the monthly fee now.Thank you.

bhh said...

I was up at the fitness center today (Mar 25) and the electricity had been cut off due to non-payment. Does anyone have any info on this?

Tim Rogers said...

I'm not sure why the power was off. I heard Donna Roberts in the office was out unexpectedly. Could have been the problem. It is back on now.

Harold Goss Jr said...

We have lived in Lake Cyrus for a couple years now and enjoy it very much. To the people getting involved and volunteering their time to represent us...thank you so much.

I think the neighborhood has a great deal of potential to be a wonderful place to live and it starts with the residents!

Keep us posted. God Bless, Harold Goss

Tim Rogers said...

Frontier Bank informed us yesterday that the club has been leased to Russell Lippert. That is all we know at this point. We do not know Mr Lipperts intentions on improving the club. We will keep everyone informed as we get information.

brian a said...

Call me crazy, but shouldn't our neighborhood entrance be up to par? Since we're paying a gang of money to maintain the fountain, it should work. The right fountain, as you're entering, is not running to capacity. Furthermore, neither one is lit, like they used to be. And, let's not forget about the shotty job done by the folks who put our Christmas lights up. The lights were crooked, and for weeks half of them didn't work.

cgg said...

We desperatly need to do some positve publicity for the neighborhood! We have gotten a ton of negative press in the paper!!! I feel very sorry for the families who are having to sell due to job relocation. They are getting no showings! I know the market is slow, but I also know that the neg. publicity has not helped. Any ideas on what we could do? We have many positives to our community! Thanks so much for all you are doing to improve our community!

Tim Rogers said...

Mr Lippert has contacted several of the club members. He does plan to open and operate the club this summer. That is all we know at this point. He is getting his plans together as soon as he can.

Hopefully formal communication will come out soon.

Alan Ryals said...

Brian...Morgan King at McKay Mgmt is aware of the fountain issues, and is getting bids currently to re-seal the main fountain and to get the lights operational again. Hopefully this will be completed soon...

tph said...

Any update from the May 6th meeting on the pool??

Tim Rogers said...

The May 6th meeting led to a lot of discussion around the pool and other neighborhood issues. The pool is moving forward under Mr Lippert. See posts.

The committee remains frustrated at the lack of progress on getting the trailer moved. The city has stated they will be working to move the trailer. Sad that the city has to step in.

Trying to work with McKay Management to get lights, landscaping fountains etc. taken care of. Morgan King has been very responsive.

Anonymous said...

I am not a resident of the Lake Cyrus community; however, my family and I live in Willow Lakes and have noticed a sign at our entrance about Lake Cyrus pool membership. We have been calling to inquire about the membership fees and to get some general information but no one answers the phone. Is there someone available by phone or email to answer membership questoins? Thank you in advance! Jamye Carpenter

Tim Rogers said...

There is an email address now for the club. You can email a message to Also if you leave a message on the phone 424-8442 someone will return your call. There are people that will be staffing the pool now that it is open so it will be easier to contact someone.

Mark A. Crain said...

I just wanted to provide some home sales activity for the 3rd Quarter in Lake Cyrus:

Units Sold: 12
Price Range: $195,650 - $483,000

In the past two weeks or so, two homes on Lake Cyrus Club Drive sold (new construction) for $421,000 and $446,500. If you want a full report of Lake Cyrus sales activity, email me at

Rodney W. Overstreet said...

I would like to let everyone know that I have started a social network for our neighborhood on This is a great way for us to all communicate and get to know one another. You can email me at or copy and paste this URL into the browser bar and request membership.
I look forward to seeing your profiles and pictures.
Rodney W. Overstreet


** Comments are the opinions of the "posters" only and should not be viewed as legal adivce. All information from this website should be verfied by other sources.**